11Oct 2021

To NFT or not to NFT— how blockchain is reshaping the art world

If you are interested in art, you probably won’t have missed the intense hype surrounding NFTs, ‘crypto art and all things blockchain — and how the march of digitalised content is disrupting even the most traditional halls of the art world. But beyond digital artists selling their creations for amazingly high prices, many ‘traditional’ artists, gallery owners and auction houses are still wondering; what’s an NFT, how does it work, and how do I benefit?

06Sep 2021
Yaliyomo and Organic Garden

Yaliyomo tech partnership secures Organic Garden's sustainability promise

A new project between innovative content management company Yaliyomo and agriculture giant Agrarius aims to solidify traceability of cereals and oilseeds – in a clear sign that Germany's proposed Supply Chain Law is already making waves in the agri-food industry.

17Août 2021

How liquor companies are learning to fight counterfeits using blockchain

Sustainable fashion is having something of a moment. From its origins in the environmental movement of the 1960s, through early pioneers like Patagonia and Esprit, to the slow fashion trend, sustainability has entered the mainstream of the luxury market. As if to prove the point, last summer, 32 companies — spanning fast-fashion and luxury fashion brands

09Juin 2021

Is blockchain terrible for the environment?!

Sustainable fashion is having something of a moment. From its origins in the environmental movement of the 1960s, through early pioneers like Patagonia and Esprit, to the slow fashion trend, sustainability has entered the mainstream of the luxury market. As if to prove the point, last summer, 32 companies — spanning fast-fashion and luxury fashion brands

05Avr 2021

In the press: Lebensmittel Zeitung

Yaliyomo blockchain secured goods from field to shelf - The start-up Yaliyomo wants to secure supply chains with the future technology blockchain and make them transparent.

25Fév 2021

Creating a Sustainability Narrative Consumers Can Trust

Sustainable fashion is having something of a moment. From its origins in the environmental movement of the 1960s, through early pioneers like Patagonia and Esprit, to the slow fashion trend, sustainability has entered the mainstream of the luxury market. As if to prove the point, last summer, 32 companies — spanning fast-fashion and luxury fashion brands

27Jan 2021

Agrarius and Yaliyomo use blockchain technology to create transparency in the arable supply chain

11Oct 2021To NFT or not to NFT— how blockchain is reshaping the art world11 Oct 2021Éclairages,Luis SangiovanniIf you are interested in art, you probably won’t have missed the intense hype surrounding NFTs, ‘crypto art and all things blockchain — and how the march of digitalised content is disrupting even the most traditional halls of the […]

25Jan 2021

Blockchain – the emerging trend in food traceability & security.

Food traceability has long been top of the agenda for people, businesses and governments. But with recent scandals and renewed interest in supply chain traceability as the next step in food safety and ethics, blockchain is poised to support significant changes across the agri-food sector.

05Jan 2021
Yaliyomo Watch Blockchain

How to spot a watch forgery? Use blockchain security

In today’s evolving world of retail, the new generation of digitally native consumers have an unprecedented demand for information that is easily accessible, 100% transparent and represents nothing but the truth above all else… the question is – can retailers address these expectations?

09Déc 2020

How to Identify fake jewels and fraudulent jewellery? Use blockchain security

How to Identify fake jewels and fraudulent jewellery? Use blockchain security

24Sep 2020

Le contenu n'est pas primordial…

Dans quelle mesure est-il important de disposer des données APPROPRIÉES, au BON moment pour le BON utilisateur dans le monde actuel emmené par la technologie, d'accélération des données…

24Sep 2020

Un perturbateur de contenu lance un nouveau site web pour la nouvelle Plateforme de gestion de contenu (CMP)

Le nouveau site web - www.yaliyomo.net - a été développé pour fournir aux clients, en particulier de la vente au détail et de la santé, des informations accessibles sur Y™ (notamment sur la façon dont elle peut soutenir la croissance des affaires), et donne de plus amples détails sur le but de Yaliyomo et les objectifs commerciaux.

24Sep 2020

Avec la technologie de chaîne de blocs et de contenu pertinente, les marques de luxe peuvent venir à bout de la contrefaçon...

Avec la technologie de chaîne de blocs et contenu pertinents, les marques de luxe PEUVENT éradiquer la contrefaçon...

24Sep 2020

Le secteur de la vente au détail est-il prêt à dire la vérité, toute la vérité et rien que la vérité… avec la technologie de chaîne de blocs, la réponse est « OUI »…

Dans le monde en évolution d'ajourd'hui de la vente au détail, la nouvelle génération de consommateurs natifs numériques a un besoin sans précédent d'informations facilement accessibles, entièrement transparentes et par-dessus tout, ne représentant rien que la vérité… la question se pose alors de savoir si les détaillants peuvent répondre à ces attentes ?

24Sep 2020

Lancement de la première plateforme de gestion de contenu au monde basée sur la technologie de chaîne de blocs

Blockchain CMS Platform Y.